Friday, December 25, 2009

What would the world be like if everyone wore a mask?

and what would happen to an average person if life were like this,...I've always wondered.....what are your thoughts?What would the world be like if everyone wore a mask?
It would be scary.What would the world be like if everyone wore a mask?
It depends on what kind of mask you are talking about. Is it a masquerade mask, or a full-face mask?

In any case, if everyone wore a mask, people would care A LOT less about the looks of someone when searching for a date, which is what this world needs. Far too many people pick looks over personality, which annoys me. If people wore masks, then people would have to pick the personality of the man/woman/boy/girl behind the mask over the looks, for they wouldn't be able to see the face behind the mask (unless it's a world where you can take off the mask...)

How would the average person change, you ask? Hmmm...

That's tougher than the headline question, as I don't think that there would be any drastic changes. But drastic isn't the only kind of change. I feel that with everyone wearing a mask, people (like said above) would care more about personality, unless they were attracted to the kind of mask they wore. Women and girls wouldn't have to apply makeup, and men wouldn't need to shave. The self-conscious people would be able to leave the house with their chins high, which would be so good for some people...(*cough* me)

Anyway, in short, I feel that the world would be a better place if everyone wore masks. Yes, there would be some downsides to every person in the world wearing a mask, but, in my opinion, at least, the world would be better.
there would be a significant decrease in prejudice and assumptions, and therefore people would have more equal opportunities since people would be less judgemental. Also, because of this, people would be happier because happiness is when people accepts everything as it is. They wouldn't be constantly criticizing appearances.

o yah, there would also be less racism.

However, there would be less diversity in appearances so then people would have less pride in their heritage/ethnicity/culture.

Different friends would be made, and people would treat each other differently, either more positiviely or negatively. Because, whether people like it or not, human nature is tragically flawed in their selfishness, carelessness and prejudice.

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